Reading List


                   David Finck's book is available on Amazon, but if you want to support the man himself, then go straight to his website and order from there; you can also order the DVD and Ron Hock blades from him.

Online Manuals

The Modern Cabinetmaker - Richard Elderton - This is a comprehensive manual on the hows and whys of becoming a better woodworker. What it lacks in glossy photographs is more than compensated for by the breadth and depth of the content. It has been described as too technical, but I find most woodworking books lack the information provided here. My only quibble is my dislike of online manuals; I much prefer a paper book, so my side project over Christmas will be to make my own bound copy and it can take it's place in the bookcase alongside my other favourite books.

Tim Stead -  Explorations in Wood - Tim's work is sculpture disguised as furniture.His house looks like the set from the Hobbit, except it has more wood than Bilbo's gaff. Whilst that sounds like a criticism, it isn't; instead it's a refreshing change from the clean lines and smooth surfaces of modernism. Artist, craftsman, sculptor and all round good guy.



Websites - Eric Meier's exhaustive archive of wood facts and figures.